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Can red dwarf stars support habitable exoplanets, or not?

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Red dwarf stars are the most common in our galaxy, but they cannot be seen in the night sky without a telescope. The closest star to our solar system, Proxima Centauri, is also a red dwarf and is part of the Alpha Centauri system in the Centaurus constellation. Scientists are interested in finding exoplanets around red dwarfs because they think these stars are likely to have habitable planets. This article will explain why red dwarf stars are important in the search for exoplanets, particularly those that are like Earth. Let’s find out more!

Red dwarf star facts

Red dwarf or M-type red dwarf stars make up around 70-75% of the stars in the Milky Way. However, you can’t see them in the sky because of their low brightness. Red dwarfs are smaller, cooler, and less luminous than our sun (a G-type star), with a size of only 0.075 to 0.50 solar masses. 

The brightness of the stars is presented in magnitude scale. Human eyes can only see night sky objects below the apparent magnitude of +6. Typically, a red dwarf’s apparent magnitude is in the range of +7 to +15. However, the magnitude of a star can vary significantly depending on size, temperature, and distance from Earth.

Red dwarf stars are not visible without the aid of telescopes. The closest star to the Sun – Proxima Centauri has an apparent magnitude of only about + 11.13. The next closest star to the Sun after the Alpha Centauri star system is also a red dwarf. Its name is Barnard’s Star- located 5.96 light-years (ly) away.  

Nearby red dwarf stars

Most of the nearby stars to us are red dwarfs. Here is the list of the 20 closest stars to our solar systems together with their types and distances:

#Star/System NameStar Type(s)Distance (ly)
1Proxima CentauriRed Dwarf (M5.5Ve)4.24
2Alpha Centauri AYellow Dwarf (G2V)4.37
3Alpha Centauri BOrange Dwarf (K1V)4.37
4Barnard’s StarRed Dwarf (M4.0Ve)5.96
5Luhman 16ABrown Dwarf (L7.5)6.59
6Luhman 16BBrown Dwarf (T0.5)6.59
7WISE 0855−0714Sub-brown Dwarf7.2
8Wolf 359Red Dwarf (M6.0V)7.78
9Lalande 21185Red Dwarf (M2V)8.29
10Sirius AMain Sequence Star (A1V)8.60
11Sirius BWhite Dwarf (DA2)8.60
12Ross 154Red Dwarf (M3.5Ve)9.68
13Ross 248Red Dwarf (M5.5Ve)10.29
14Epsilon EridaniOrange Dwarf (K2V)10.5
15Lacaille 9352Red Dwarf (M1.5Ve)10.72
16Ross 128Red Dwarf (M4V)11.01
17EZ Aquarii ARed Dwarf (M5.0Ve)11.26
18EZ Aquarii BRed Dwarf (M)11.26
19EZ Aquarii CRed Dwarf (M)11.26
20Procyon AMain Sequence Star (F5IV-V)11.46
Procyon BWhite Dwarf (DA)11.46
The 20 closest stars to solar systems.

What makes red dwarf stars good candidates for hosting exoplanets?

Red dwarf stars have been expected by astronomers to have higher chances to host planetary systems compared to other types of stars. There are several reasons scientists focus on them in the search for extraterrestrial life and exoplanetary studies. Here are the key factors that contribute to their potential for hosting exoplanets:

  • Abundance

Red dwarfs are the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy, comprising about 70-75% of all the stars. This sheer number increases the statistical likelihood of finding exoplanets orbiting these stars.

  • Longevity

Red dwarfs have significantly long lifespans, often spanning trillions of years. They will outlast stars such as our Sun, which only has a lifespan of 10 billion years. The enduring nature of red dwarfs offers a potentially stable environment for the development and evolution of life on exoplanets orbiting them.

  • Habitable Zone Proximity

The habitable zone, also called the Goldilocks zone, is the area around a star where conditions could support liquid water on a planet’s surface. Planets in this zone are easier to detect using telescopes, especially if the star is a red dwarf. This detection method involves the planet moving in front of its star as observed from Earth, leading to a small decrease in the star’s brightness.

  • Frequent Planetary Systems

Observations and studies show that red dwarf stars frequently have planetary systems. Some of these systems have planets similar in size to Earth. An example of this is the TRAPPIST-1 system, which is a system with a red dwarf star and seven exoplanets that are similar in size to Earth. Three of these planets are located in the habitable zone.

  • Observational Advantage

Astronomers find it easier to detect and study the exoplanets around red dwarfs. This is due to the lower in brightness and smaller size of those stars compared to stars like our Sun. In addition, the contrast between the light of the star and the shadow or signal from an orbiting planet is more favorable for observations.

How does the habitable zone of a red dwarf compare to that of our Sun?

The habitable zone of a red dwarf star differs significantly from that of a star like our Sun. For red dwarf stars, which are smaller and cooler than the Sun, the habitable zone is much closer to the star. This means that a planet would need to orbit much closer to a red dwarf to be within the temperature range that could support liquid water.

 The habitable zone around red dwarfs can be as close as 0.1 to 0.2 astronomical units (AU) from the star (1 AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers). In contrast, the habitable zone of a Sun-like star (a G-type star) is much farther out, roughly from 0.95 to 1.67 AU. Earth is well-positioned within our solar system’s habitable zone at about 1 AU from the Sun.

What is the main challenge for life on planets orbiting a red dwarf star?

The habitability of exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars has been questioned. These stars tend to emit powerful stellar flares. Astonishingly, it can be hundreds of times more powerful than those emitted by our Sun. Such flare activity raised concerns about the habitability of exoplanets orbiting these stars, primarily for two reasons:

  1. Atmospheric Erosion

Intense stellar flares can strip away a planet’s atmosphere over time, particularly if the planet lacks a protective magnetic field. An eroded atmosphere could lead to the loss of essential elements for life, such as water and nitrogen.

  1. Radiation Exposure

Stellar flares emit high levels of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, which could be harmful to life forms and could potentially disrupt the physiological processes necessary for life.

Another big challenge is the tendency for the planets in the habitable zone to be tidally locked to the host star. Tidal locking can result in one side of the planet permanently facing the star. This situation caused extreme temperature differences between the day and night sides.

Can red dwarf stars support habitable exoplanets despite their flare activity?

Despite the challenges, scientists are still optimistic about finding habitable exoplanets around red dwarfs. Subsequent research has suggested scenarios in which habitable exoplanets could exist around red dwarf:

  • Strong Magnetic Fields

Exoplanets with strong magnetic fields might be able to deflect some of the stellar wind and flare-induced radiation, protecting their atmospheres and surface conditions conducive to life.

  • Atmospheric Composition and Density

A dense and robust atmosphere could offer protection against radiation and help distribute heat more evenly around the planet, especially important for planets that are tidally locked (where one side always faces the star).

  • Subsurface Habitability

Even if the surface of a planet is exposed to harmful radiation, life could potentially exist below the surface. They would be shielded from direct flare activity.

  • Early Stellar Activity

Some studies reported that the most intense period of flare activity occurs early in a red dwarf’s life. If a planet can retain its atmosphere through this turbulent time, or if it forms or gains a secondary atmosphere later, it could enjoy stable conditions for billions of years afterward, given the long lifespans of red dwarfs.

  • Adaptation

Life, if it develops, might adapt to the conditions of exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars. This could include the evolution of protective mechanisms against radiation, similar to how some organisms on Earth have adapted to extreme environments.

10 closest habitable exoplanets

Below is a list of 10 exoplanets that are considered potentially habitable and are among the closest known to Earth. This list highlights the diversity of potentially habitable exoplanets discovered in proximity to our solar system.

The majority of those planets orbit red dwarf stars. This is consistent with red dwarfs being the most common type of star in the Milky Way, offering numerous opportunities for the presence of exoplanets in habitable zones.

#Exoplanet NameHost Star TypeDistance (Light-Years)Remarks
1Proxima Centauri bM5.5Ve (Red Dwarf)4.24Orbiting the closest star to the Sun.
2Ross 128 bM4V (Red Dwarf)11.01Considered to have a temperate climate.
3LHS 1140 bM4.5 (Red Dwarf)40.7Known for its high mass, suggesting a dense atmosphere.
4Teegarden’s Star bM7 (Red Dwarf)12.5One of the best candidates for habitability.
5TRAPPIST-1 eM8V (Red Dwarf)39.5Part of a system with seven Earth-sized planets.
6TRAPPIST-1 fM8V (Red Dwarf)39.5Another potentially habitable planet in the TRAPPIST-1 system.
7TRAPPIST-1 gM8V (Red Dwarf)39.5The largest of the TRAPPIST-1 planets in the habitable zone.
8Kepler-442bK-type (Orange Dwarf)1,206Larger than Earth, but within the habitable zone.
9Kepler-22bG5V (Sun-like)620Was the first known exoplanet to orbit within the habitable zone of a Sun-like star.
10Gliese 667 CcM1.5 (Red Dwarf)23.6Orbits within the habitable zone of a star in a triple system.
10 closest to Earth known exoplanets that are considered potentially habitable.


While red dwarfs have habitable zones closer to the star and face challenges like tidal locking and strong stellar activity, their long lifespans and abundance in the galaxy make them attractive for finding habitable exoplanets. The varying conditions in these habitable zones compared to those around Sun-like stars show the wide range of possible environments where life could exist in the universe. As our methods for observation and modeling get better, we will probably learn more about these unique and fascinating environments.


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