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How Star Brightness is Measured?

If you are new to stargazing or astronomy, you may have noticed that there is a mention of magnitude in the information list of a sky object. Maybe you have seen it in planetarium apps, astronomy magazines or books.

You might be wondering what the magnitude information signifies. It is how astronomers quantify the brightness of those distant stars and other night sky objects. They did it using a system known as stellar magnitude.

In this blog post, we’ll elucidate the work behind the measurement of star brightness or star magnitude. So let’s dive in!

# There are different groups of night sky watchers – ranging from the casual to the more serious. If you fall into the casual category, you maybe don’t care much about the measurement of star brightness. On the other hand, if you want to take your stargazing hobby to the next level, you may want to know the science behind star brightness and what it signifies.

What is Stellar Magnitude?

Before we dig into the methods of measuring star brightness, let’s grasp the concept of stellar magnitude. Stellar magnitude is a numerical scale that quantifies the brightness of celestial objects, particularly stars.

The lower the magnitude, the brighter the star. Conversely, higher magnitudes denote fainter stars. It’s a logarithmic scale, with each whole-number increase indicating a decrease in brightness by a factor of approximately 2.512.

Stellar magnitude scale. Image credit: NASA

Stellar magnitude helps astronomers classify, understand, and explore the vast diversity of stars in the universe. It also offers a window into the complex lives and behaviors of these celestial objects.

How is Star Brightness Measured?

Calculating the magnitude of a star involves a combination of observational measurements and established formulas. The star’s apparent magnitude is determined by measuring the intensity of its light as seen from Earth, while the absolute magnitude is derived from its luminosity and distance.

Calculating Apparent Magnitude

To calculate the apparent magnitude, you’ll need to measure the star’s apparent brightness, which is the amount of light received from the star as observed from Earth. This measurement can be done using a photometer or a specialized astronomical instrument.

Apparent brightness is often measured in units of flux (energy per unit time and unit area) and is usually expressed in magnitudes per square arcsecond (mag/arcsec²). The apparent brightness of a star is affected by both the star’s inherent luminosity and its distance from Earth. As you get farther from a star, it appears dimmer.

Additionally, Earth’s atmosphere can also affect the apparent brightness due to factors like air mass, atmospheric extinction, and light pollution. The measurements need to be adjusted to account for these effects.

To calculate apparent magnitude accurately, you’ll need to use reference stars with known magnitudes. These reference stars are used as a benchmark for calibrating your measurements. The apparent magnitude (m) is calculated using the following formula:

 m = -2.5 * log10 (Flux of the star / Flux of a reference star)

In this formula, the “Flux of the star” is the measured apparent brightness, and the “Flux of a reference star” is the apparent brightness of a reference star with a known magnitude. The logarithm to the base 10 is applied to the ratio of the two fluxes, and the result is multiplied by -2.5. The negative sign is used to ensure that brighter stars have lower magnitude values.

Calculating Absolute Magnitude

To calculate absolute magnitude, you first need to determine the star’s distance from Earth. Accurate measurements of stellar distances can be challenging and often require advanced techniques such as parallax measurements for nearby stars or other distance indicators for more distant objects.

Parallax is determined by considering both the distance to the object and the apparent angle it appears to move in the sky. The measurement of distance is typically expressed in parsecs, while the angle is quantified in arcseconds.

The choice of using arcseconds is due to the minuscule changes in angles involved. To provide context, there are 3,600 arcseconds in one degree. Essentially, one parsec corresponds to the distance (d) to an object displaying a parallax angle (p) of 1 arcsecond.

The image illustrates how to measure the distance of a star using parallax measurement.

This concept relies on trigonometry. It’s well-established that the distance the Earth traverses in six months equals the diameter of its orbit. In astronomy, a specific unit of distance is used to represent Earth’s average distance from the Earth to the Sun, and it’s called the astronomical unit.

The inverse square law states that the apparent brightness of an object decreases with the square of the distance from the observer. By knowing the star’s distance (d), you can calculate the factor by which the star’s apparent brightness is reduced compared to a star at a standard distance (10 parsecs or about 32.6 light-years).

The absolute magnitude (M) is derived from the apparent magnitude (m) and the distance (d) using the formula:

 M = m – 5 * log10 (d/10 parsecs)

In this formula, “d” is the star’s distance in parsecs, and the logarithm is applied to the ratio of “d” and the standard distance of 10 parsecs. Calculating the absolute magnitude requires accurate distance measurements. This could be challenging for stars that are far away.

For nearby stars, parallax measurements from the Earth’s orbit are often used to determine distances. For more distant stars, other methods like the luminosity-distance relationship or comparisons to nearby stars with known absolute magnitudes may be employed.

Related read: Stargazing 101: Constellations and Asterism for Beginners

Famous Night Sky Objects and Their Magnitude

Recognizing the magnitudes of famous night sky objects enhances our appreciation of the cosmos. Here we listed the famous night sky objects and their magnitude in the table below.

Please keep in mind that the actual brightness of an object may differ from the value indicated in the table. This can be attributed to factors such as atmospheric conditions, air mass, light pollution, and particles in the atmosphere.

The naked eye observation magnitude limit is less than 6. However, for those living in suburban areas, it is reduced to magnitude 3 due to light pollution. Thus, a viewer in that condition would need to use a binocular or telescope.

Object classObject NameMagnitude
Bright StarAltair
Rigil Kentaurus
Deep Sky Object / Messier
False Comet Nebula (in Scorpio)
Prawn Nebula
(in Scorpio)
Ptolemy’s Cluster
(in Scorpio)
Butterfly Cluster
(between Scorpio and Saggitarius)

Lagoon Nebula
(in Saggitarius)
Trifid Nebula
(in Saggitarius)

Small Magelanic Cloud

Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

Great Hercules Cluster (M13)




Understanding stellar magnitude and the measurement of star brightness is essential for both casual skywatchers and those aiming to deepen their interest in astronomy. Stellar magnitude is a numerical scale that quantifies the brightness of celestial objects, with lower magnitudes indicating brighter stars. The process of measuring star brightness involves calculating both the apparent and absolute magnitudes. Grasping the concept of stellar magnitude and the intricacies of its measurement enriches our exploration of the night sky.  


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