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Stargazing Technique: How to Navigate Using Coordinate Systems

Whether you’re an amateur astronomer or simply enjoy stargazing as a hobby, understanding the coordinate systems can enhance your stargazing experience.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to two primary coordinate systems used in astronomy: Equatorial and Altitude-Azimuth. We’ll explain how each system works and provide practical steps on how to use them to locate celestial objects.

So Get Ready!

1. Equatorial Coordinate System

The Equatorial Coordinate System is the primary coordinate system used by astronomers to precisely locate celestial objects in the night sky.

It provides a way to specify the position of objects on the celestial sphere, much like the latitude and longitude system on Earth’s surface.  It uses two key components – Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec).

Right Ascension (RA)

  • RA is one of the two main coordinates in the Equatorial Coordinate System and is often referred to as the celestial equivalent of longitude.
  • It indicates the movement of sky objects from east to west.
  • Technically, RA is measured eastward from the vernal equinox point along the celestial equator (see the image below).
  • RA is typically expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds, rather than degrees. There are 24 hours of RA in a full circle, with each hour representing 15 degrees of a 360-degree circle.
  • The vernal equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north and marks the beginning of the RA coordinate system.

!! It could be hard to understand the explanation of the Vernal Equinox and the celestial equator because it needs a lot of imagination. If you can’t understand it, just skip this part.

# What is Vernal Equinox?

The vernal equinox is one of two points in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun where the plane of Earth’s equator intersects the plane of the solar system’s orbit around the Sun (the ecliptic plane).

This crossing point is used as a reference point for the measurement of Right Ascension (RA) in the Equatorial Coordinate System in astronomy.

The image illustrates our planet is tilted around 23.4 degrees from the celestial equator plane (which is parallel to the solar system’s orbital plane). This crossing point between the elliptical plane and the celestial equator plane is used as a reference point for the measurement of RA. Image credit: Amitchell125

# What is the Celestial Equator?

The celestial equator is an imaginary circle on the celestial sphere that is directly above Earth’s equator. It divides the celestial sphere into two equal halves, the northern celestial hemisphere, and the southern celestial hemisphere (refer back to the image above).

The celestial equator is an important reference line in astronomy because celestial objects, such as stars and planets, appear to move across the sky along or near the celestial equator as Earth rotates.

The image illustrates the RA coordination up and beneath the horizon (the landscape was set to be transparent in order to show the RA beneath the horizon).  Image credit: Stellarium.

Declination (Dec)

  • Dec is the other main coordinate in the Equatorial Coordinate System and is akin to celestial latitude.
  • It measures how far an object is north or south of the celestial equator, just like latitude measures north or south of the Earth’s equator.
  • Objects with a positive declination are north of the celestial equator, while objects with a negative declination are south of it. The celestial equator (imagine a line crossing the sky from East to West) itself has a Dec of 0 degrees.
The image illustrates the coordination from East or West (0 degrees) towards Southpole (-90 degrees).  Image credit: Stellarium.
The image illustrates the Dec coordination from East or West (0 degrees) towards Northpole (90 degrees).  Image credit: Stellarium.

Using the Equatorial Coordinate System

Using the Equatorial Coordinate System is pretty complex for a beginner. If you insist on using it, follow the steps below:

Finding Objects

  • Astronomical catalogs and star charts often provide the RA and Dec coordinates of celestial objects. You can use these coordinates to locate objects in the sky.
  • To locate an object, set your telescope or other observation equipment to the object’s specified RA and Dec coordinates.
  • Adjust your telescope’s mount to align it with the celestial pole (either north or south, depending on your location) to account for the object’s Declination.
  • Move your telescope up or down until the crosshairs or eyepiece is pointed at the target’s exact coordinates.
The image illustrates the Moon coordinate (5h27m05.70s / +28°00’09.4’’) using the Equatorial Coordinate System.  Image credit: Stellarium.


Equatorial mounts for telescopes are designed to align with the Equatorial Coordinate System. They allow you to easily track celestial objects as they appear to move across the sky due to Earth’s rotation by adjusting the RA axis.

The Equatorial Coordinate System is a standard in professional astronomy and a valuable tool for amateur astronomers as well. Understanding this system will greatly enhance your ability to navigate and observe celestial objects with precision and accuracy.

2. Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System

The Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System is a more straightforward system for casual stargazers and beginners to locate celestial objects in the night sky. It defines positions relative to your local horizon.

Altitude (Alt)

  • Altitude measures the height of a celestial object above the observer’s horizon.
  • It is measured in degrees and can range from 0 degrees (on the horizon) to 90 degrees (at the zenith, directly overhead).
  • An object with an altitude of 45 degrees, for example, would be halfway between the horizon and the zenith.
The image illustrates the Altitude (Alt) coordination from the horizon (0 degrees) towards the zenith (90 degrees).  Image credit: Stellarium.

Azimuth (Az)

  • Azimuth measures the compass direction from which a celestial object can be seen.
  • It is also measured in degrees, with 0 degrees typically pointing to the north and 90 degrees to the east. The full circle covers 360 degrees.
  • Azimuth angles increase in a clockwise direction. Therefore, the south corresponds to 180 degrees and west to 270 degrees.
The image illustrates the Azimuth (Az)coordination starting from north (0 degrees) and moving counterclockwise in a full circle of 360 degrees.  Image credit: Stellarium.

Using the Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System

Using the Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps you can follow to locate your targeted night sky object:

Locating Celestial Objects

  1. To find a celestial object using the Altitude-Azimuth system, you only need to determine its current altitude and azimuth.
  2. For example, if you want to find the North Star (Polaris), you would find its azimuth (which is very close to 0 degrees, pointing north) and its altitude (which is roughly equal to your latitude).

Reference Points

  1. A compass or a smartphone app with a compass feature can help you determine azimuth. Point the compass in the direction you’re facing, and you’ll get an azimuth reading.
  2. To estimate altitude, you can use your fist at arm’s length. Each fist from the horizon to the zenith roughly corresponds to 10 degrees of altitude.
The image illustrates the setting Moon at the coordinate (298°47’50.7’’ / 10°56’38.0’’) using the Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System.  Image credit: Stellarium.

Time-Dependent Observations

  • Unlike the Equatorial Coordinate System, the Altitude-Azimuth system doesn’t require time adjustments for object tracking because it is fixed to your local horizon.
  • As the Earth rotates, celestial objects appear to move across the sky along arcs of constant altitude. You can follow these arcs manually by adjusting your viewing direction.


  • The Altitude-Azimuth system is ideal for casual stargazing but has limitations for astrophotography and precise astronomical observations.
  • Objects near the celestial poles can be challenging to track using this system because their azimuth remains relatively constant while altitude changes as they move in circles around the poles.

Altitude-Azimuth Coordinate System provides a straightforward way to locate celestial objects based on their altitude above the horizon and their compass direction (azimuth). It’s a great starting point for beginners and can be used effectively for visual stargazing without the need for specialized equipment.


The night sky has fascinated humanity for eons with its expensiveness view filled with stars, planets, galaxies, and other intriguing objects.

To explore this vast expanse, astronomers and stargazers use coordinate systems to accurately pinpoint and identify celestial objects.

Navigating the night sky using coordinate systems may seem daunting at first. Nonetheless, it provides a practical method for the celestial objects observation for stargazers.

Whether you choose the precision of the Equatorial Coordinate System or the simplicity of Altitude-Azimuth, mastering these techniques will enable you to explore the cosmos with confidence. So, gear up, head outdoors, and start your stargazing journey!


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