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The Cosmic Distance Ladder to Measure Galactic Distance

  • Post category:Astrometry

The vastness of the universe is crossing unimaginable distances. Measuring these distances is not only important for mapping the universe but also for understanding how it expands and evolves. The cosmic distance ladder is a fundamental concept in astronomy to chart space. In this article, we will delve into what the cosmic distance ladder is. Next, we’ll discuss how it works, and how it differs from other cosmic phenomena like the cosmic microwave background. Let’s begin!

What is the cosmic distance ladder?

The cosmic distance ladder is known as the extragalactic distance scale. It is a sequence of methods used by astronomers to determine the distances to celestial objects. To measure the vast distances in the universe, astronomers use a series of overlapping techniques.

These techniques have a system called rungs. They are related to how far is the investigated celestial object. Each rung on the ladder provides information that can be used to understand the next rung. This methodical approach is necessary because no single technique can measure all distances due to limitations in accuracy and reach.

How do we use the cosmic distance ladder?

Understanding the cosmic distance ladder involves exploring the methods that comprise its different rungs. Each rung represents a method suited for measuring distances at different scales within the universe.

The First Rungs: Parallax and Standard Candles

At the most basic level, astronomers use stellar parallax. This method uses the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from two different points. This is mainly applied to measure the distances of nearby stars. This technique is analogous to noticing how a nearby object seems to move against a distant background as you look at it from different positions. Parallax is effective for stars up to a few hundred light-years away.

However, as distances increase, the parallax becomes too small to detect with current technology. In the next level, astronomers turn to the “standard candles” technique. Standard candles are types of astronomical objects, such as Cepheid variables and Type Ia supernovae. These objects’ intrinsic brightness is well understood. By comparing their known luminosity to their observed brightness, astronomers can calculate their distances based on the inverse square law of light.

This image shows how astronomers measured the universe’s expansion and distances using three stages. By improving the cosmic distance ladder, they accurately measured distances to galaxies near and far. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Feild (STScI), and A. Riess (STScI/JHU)

The cosmic distance ladder tutorial

Let’s do this tutorial to understand more about the cosmic distance ladder. We’ll be focused on two of its primary methods: parallax and standard candles (Cepheid variables). These methods can give you a hands-on sense of how astronomers measure distances in space, step-by-step.

Step 1: Measuring Nearby Star Distances with Parallax

Objective: Measure the distance to a nearby star using the parallax method.

Tools Needed: Stellar observation data (often accessible from observatory archives or astronomical databases), a simple trigonometry calculator.


  1. Gather Data: Obtain the position of a star as observed from Earth at two different points in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, typically six months apart.
  2. Calculate the Parallax Angle: Measure the angle of apparent shift in the star’s position against more distant stars in the background.
  3. Use the Parallax Formula: The distance to the star (in parsecs) can be calculated as d = 1/p​, where p is the parallax angle in arcseconds.


  • Suppose a star shifts by 0.1 arcseconds as observed from two opposite points in Earth’s orbit.
  • Using the formula d = 1/0.1 = 10 parsecs, the star is 10 parsecs away from Earth.
Step 2: Extending Our Reach with Cepheid Variables

Objective: Measure the distance to a distant star or galaxy using a Cepheid variable as a standard candle.

Tools Needed: Light curve data of a Cepheid variable star, calculator for logarithms, and basic arithmetic.


  1. Identify a Cepheid Variable: Find a Cepheid variable in the galaxy whose distance you wish to measure. Cepheid variables are stars whose brightness varies regularly over a known period.
  2. Determine the Period of Variation: Observe the star over time and plot its brightness to determine the period of its light variations.
  3. Apply the Period-Luminosity Relation: Use the known relationship between the period of Cepheid brightness variations and their absolute luminosity (brightness). Longer periods mean greater luminosity.
  4. Calculate Distance: Compare the absolute luminosity to the observed apparent brightness to determine the distance using the formula:

Distance (in parsecs) = 10(mM+5)/5

where m is the apparent magnitude and M is the absolute magnitude (calculated from the period-luminosity relation).


  • A Cepheid variable in a distant galaxy has a period of 10 days, corresponding to an absolute magnitude of -4.
  • If the observed apparent magnitude is 16, the distance can be calculated as follows:

Distance = 10(16−(−4)+5)/5 = 105 =100,000 parsecs.

By combining these steps, astronomers can measure distances from the closest stars to entire galaxies far across the universe. This multi-step approach ensures that measurements can be cross-verified and that the accuracy increases with each step.

Higher Rungs: Redshift and the Cosmic Microwave Background

For objects far beyond the reach of standard candles, astronomers use redshift. Redshift is the phenomenon where light from an object is stretched to longer, redder wavelengths as the object moves away from us due to the expansion of the universe.

The higher the redshift, the farther away the galaxy is. This method works well for measuring vast distances across the universe but requires precise instruments capable of detecting and measuring these shifts accurately. This method is essential for exploring the vast scales of the cosmos, measuring distances across billions of light-years.

How is the cosmic microwave background different from the distance ladder?

While the cosmic microwave background (CMB) does not directly measure distances, it provides crucial information about the structure and history of the universe. The CMB is the afterglow radiation from the Big Bang. It offers a snapshot of the universe when it was just 380,000 years old.

By studying the tiny temperature fluctuations in the CMB, cosmologists can determine the distribution of mass in the early universe and infer the geometry and rate of expansion of the universe. This is fundamental to understanding how distances in the universe have evolved.

The cosmic distance ladder reliability

The reliability of the cosmic distance ladder depends on the precise calibration between each method. Each rung supports and verifies the next. For instance, distances obtained using parallax help calibrate the luminosity of nearby Cepheid variables, which in turn are used to calibrate more distant Cepheids and Type Ia supernovae. This calibration is necessary to ensure accuracy across different scales and methods.

Let’s illustrate this concept by detailing how astronomers use measurements from one method to calibrate another, specifically focusing on how parallax measurements help calibrate Cepheid variables, which in turn help to calibrate Type Ia supernovae.

Correlating the Connection between Rungs of the Cosmic Distance Ladder

Step 1: Calibration of Cepheid Variables Using Parallax

Objective: Use parallax measurements of nearby Cepheid variables to calibrate their luminosity, enhancing the accuracy of distances measured using Cepheid variables in farther galaxies.

Tools Needed: Parallax data for nearby Cepheid variables, light curve data for these Cepheids, and a basic calculator.


  1. Collect Parallax Data: Gather accurate parallax measurements for a sample of nearby Cepheid variables. This data provides a direct measurement of their distances.
  2. Determine Absolute Magnitude: For each Cepheid variable in your sample, use its observed brightness and the distance derived from parallax to calculate its absolute magnitude using the formula:

M = m − 5log10​(d) + 5

where M is the absolute magnitude, m is the apparent magnitude, and d is the distance in parsecs.

  • Plot the Period-Luminosity Relationship: Use the period of the light variations (which you can get from the light curve data) and the calculated absolute magnitudes to reinforce the period-luminosity relationship for Cepheid variables.

Step 2: Using Calibrated Cepheid Variables to Calibrate Type Ia Supernovae

Objective: Use distances derived from calibrated Cepheid variables to calibrate the luminosity of Type Ia supernovae in the same galaxies.

Tools Needed: Observational data of galaxies containing both Cepheid variables and Type Ia supernovae, light curve data for both types of stars.


  1. Identify Overlapping Galaxies: Select galaxies that contain both Cepheid variables (already calibrated from Step 1) and Type Ia supernovae.
  2. Measure Distances Using Cepheids: Apply the calibrated period-luminosity relationship to measure the distances to these galaxies based on their Cepheid variables.
  3. Calibrate Type Ia Supernovae: Use the distances calculated from Cepheids to determine the absolute magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae in the same galaxies. This involves similar calculations to those used for Cepheids, adjusting for the fact that Type Ia supernovae are much brighter and can thus be used for much larger distances.
  4. Refine Type Ia Supernova Standard Candle: With multiple measurements from various galaxies, refine the known peak absolute magnitude for Type Ia supernovae, making them reliable standard candles for measuring even more distant galaxies.

Using this method, astronomers can confidently measure distances spanning millions to billions of light-years, enabling us to understand the structure, scale, and dynamics of the universe with remarkable precision. Each rung of the cosmic distance ladder thus not only stands on its own but also supports and is supported by the others, creating a cohesive and robust framework for cosmic measurement.

How does the cosmic distance ladder work?

The cosmic distance ladder is crucial for several key areas in cosmology and astronomy:

  • Cosmic Cartography: By determining distances, astronomers can plot precise three-dimensional maps of galaxies and other cosmic structures, helping us understand the layout of the universe.
  • Expansion of the Universe: Accurate distance measurements enable astronomers to calculate the universe’s expansion rate (the Hubble constant). Observing how this rate changes over time can provide clues about the fate of the universe.
  • Dark Energy and Dark Matter: By studying the movement and distribution of galaxies, scientists can infer the presence of dark matter and dark energy, which affect the universe’s expansion. Distance measurements play a crucial role in understanding these mysterious components, which do not emit light and cannot be observed directly.
  • Age of the Universe: The cosmic distance ladder helps determine the distances to the farthest objects in the universe, which, in turn, helps estimate the universe’s age by looking back in time almost to the Big Bang itself.


The cosmic distance ladder not only helps us understand where things are in the universe but also gives insights into the fundamental forces and processes shaping the cosmos. It is an essential concept in astronomy for measuring the distances of celestial objects.

By understanding how each “rung” on the ladder works and how it relates to others, astronomers can accurately chart the universe’s structure and comprehend its expansion history. On the other hand, CMB is another type of concept to measure the expansion and the size of the universe.


While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information, please be aware that the content of this blog post is subject to a margin of error. The probability of absolute accuracy is not guaranteed.

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